(他說對了)。潘興將軍喜愛他的軍事工作,而且擁有識人的敏銳眼光,他曾拔擢過巴頓 (George
Patton) 、艾森豪 (Dwight
Eisenhower) 及馬歇爾 (George
Marshall) 。您認得其中的任何一個名字嗎?他們又是在哪一次的戰爭中成為英雄的呢?
In May 1921, the famous General Pershing became Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, where he oversaw an armed force that was smaller than the one he had built during World War I. He warned against shrinking the military, predicting that troubles would rise again in Europe (and he was right). General Pershing enjoyed his work in the military and had a keen eye for recognizing talent in rising stars such as George Patton, Dwight Eisenhower, and George Marshall. Do you recognize any of these names? During which war did they become heroes?
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