馬歇爾與麥卡錫主義 (McCarthyism)
強烈抨擊馬歇爾的人有兩位,一為來自威斯康辛州的美國參議員麥卡錫 (Joseph
McCarthy) ,一為印第安納州的賈納 (William
Jenner) 。他們都利用當時的反共情緒來造勢,因而,後來的人將其稱之為「麥卡錫主義」 (McCarthyism) 。賈納在一場參議院致詞演講中表示「馬歇爾將軍是一個活生生的謊言」並主張「他急著為賣國賊做掩飾。」另一個更為惡毒的指控則出自於麥卡錫,他出版了兩本攻擊馬歇爾全部生涯的書並發表了一場長達60,000字的參議院演講,他指控馬歇爾涉及了一場「規模龐大的陰謀,這場陰謀讓人類歷史上的所有此類行為都形同侏儒」。
Two of Marshall's harshest critics were U.S. Senators Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin and William Jenner of Indiana. Both men fed the anti-communist hysteria of the era that became known as "McCarthyism." In one Senate speech Jenner said "General George C. Marshall is a living lie" and asserted that "he is eager to play the role of a front man for traitors." An even more vicious assault came from McCarthy, who published two books attacking Marshall's entire career and delivered a 60,000-word Senate speech that accused Marshall of being part of "a conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man."
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