馬歇爾與麥卡錫主義 (McCarthyism)
您知道二次大戰的參謀長馬歇爾因為計畫幫助歐洲各國,包括當時的敵對國自戰後復甦,而曾遭指控與賣國賊有所勾結嗎?戰後數年,馬歇爾即飽受攻擊,當時許多美國人都因許多世界大事而深感威脅,包括共產主義在中國的勝利、核子彈試爆、東歐受蘇聯 (Soviet
Union) 控制及韓國的全面性戰爭。而那些於恐懼氣氛中,意欲尋求政治利益的人,則將攻擊目標指向杜魯門總統任下,身為國務卿而後成為國防部部長的馬歇爾。
Did you know that George C. Marshall, the Army chief of staff during World War II, was accused of associating with traitors in part because he had developed a plan to help the nations of Europe, even our enemies, recover from the war? Marshall came under attack in the years immediately following the war, when many Americans felt threatened by world events that included a communist victory in China, the explosion of a nuclear bomb and the domination of Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union, and a full-scale war in Korea. Marshall, as secretary of state and later as secretary of defense under President Harry S. Truman, was subjected to intense personal assaults from those who sought political gain in this climate of fear.
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