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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 馬歇爾 (George Catlett Marshall)
Aerial photograph of U.S. troops at beachhead in Normandy, France, on D-Day, June 6, 1944.
位於法國諾曼第 (Normandy) 灘頭的美軍軍隊俯瞰圖
 D-Day (194466)

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馬歇爾及D-Day (進攻歐洲日)

馬歇爾當然想要帶領這次的盟軍襲擊,但他卻表示這件事應該由總統決定。隨後他說總統應以國家利益為考量來做決定,而不是以馬歇爾的利益為出發點。所以,總統的最後決定是 什麼呢?他指派艾森豪將軍 (Dwight Eisenhower) 來統率 D-Day 並將馬歇爾送回 辦公桌前。馬歇爾的規劃能力對美國真的如此重要嗎?總統的確深感如此並告訴馬歇爾:「我想如果您身在國外,我晚上就無法入睡。」

Certainly Marshall wanted to lead the Allied invasion, but he told the president that it was up to him. The president should make his decision based on what was good for the country, he added, not what was good for Marshall. So what did the president do? He chose General Dwight Eisenhower to command D-Day and sent Marshall back to his desk. Were Marshall's planning skills that important? The president thought so and told Marshall, "I feel I could not sleep at night with you out of the country."

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