
(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)

馬歇爾及D-Day (進攻歐洲日)
一年多來,馬歇爾跟他手下的將領秘密規劃著盟軍進攻法國計畫。大君主作戰將會成為戰爭的轉捩點。帶領這次的作戰計畫將是個無上的光榮!當指派作戰司令官的時刻來臨時,羅斯福總統 (Franklin
Delano Roosevelt) 把馬歇爾叫到他的辦公室並準備
For more than a year, Marshall and his generals had been planning the secret Allied invasion of France. Operation Overlord would be the turning point of the war. What an honor it would be to lead it! When the time came to choose the commander, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt called Marshall into his office. Roosevelt was ready to reward Marshall for his long service in Washington. He asked Marshall if he
wanted the job. What do you think Marshall said?
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