卡米哈米哈堅守名為「卡布」 (kapu) 的嚴厲律法,但他又另外建立了一套名叫
mamalahoe kanawai (又名「碎槳法律」Law
of the Splintered Paddle) 的律法系統來保障他國內的平民免受其他首領的暴虐行為。這位偉大的國王也廢除了一項盛行於當時的殘忍儀式,您知道那項儀式是什麼嗎?
那項儀式就是活人獻祭,它是夏威夷人民用來彰顯國王的神力 (mana) 或宗教力量的一項儀式。卡米哈米哈一世被視為夏威夷島內最為強大的統治者,因而配得上卡米哈米哈大帝
(Kamehameha the Great)
Kamehameha maintained Hawaii's harsh system of laws, called kapu, but he also established another system to protect his people. It was called mamalahoe kanawai, or the "Law of the Splintered Paddle." This law protected the common people from the brutality of other chiefs. The King also outlawed a cruel ritual that was practiced at the time. Do you know what it was?
The ritual was human sacrifice and it was performed in Hawaii to honor the king by increasing his mana, or sacred power. Kamehameha I is considered to be Hawaii's strongest ruler and truly deserving of the title Kamehameha the Great.
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