
身穿原住民服飾、手持花圈 (或稱lei) 的夏威夷婦女

卡米哈米哈血脈中的第二位國王卡米哈米哈二世 (Kamehameha
II) 將管理夏威夷事務的眾多責任交由他父親妻妾之一卡阿乎瑪奴 (Kaahumanu) 負責。他廢除了政府的嚴厲統治系統並批准美國宣教士留在島上。他死於1824,其繼任者是他的弟弟卡米哈米哈三世 (Kamehameha
III) ,繼位時年僅11歲。11歲就成為國王會是個怎樣的情景呢?
Kamehameha II, the second king in the Kamehameha line, gave much of the responsibility for ruling Hawaii to one of his father's wives, Kaahumanu. He abolished the harsh system of government rule and allowed American missionaries on the islands. When he died in 1824, his younger brother, Kamehameha III, succeeded him at the age of only 11. What would it be like to be a king at the age of 11?
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