關於蠻荒西部的表演中,若是沒有印地安人,就不能算是一場完整的西部秀,而野牛比爾擁有一些才華洋溢的印地安演員;影片中身穿戰服、漆有戰彩的蘇族印地安舞者 (美國原住民) 正在表演蘇族的靈魂之舞,這是美國印地安人的首次登場表演,遠遠早於電影之前;還有什麼不可或缺的項目會出現在野牛比爾的演出中呢?
A show about the
Wild West wouldn't be complete without some Indians, and you can bet
that Buffalo Bill had some very talented ones. Native American Sioux
Indian dancers in full war paint and war costumes performed the Sioux
Ghost Dance that you can see here. This is the very first time that
American Indians appeared before a motion picture camera. What's the one
other thing that Buffalo Bill had to have in his show?