Anne Oakley Moses,但因為她的射術精湛,故又名「小小神射手」;她能在三十步遠的距離外,打紙牌的狹窄邊緣或她老公法蘭克巴特勒 (Frank
Butler) 嘴上叼著的紙煙煙頭;您認為西大荒演出還包含了那些項目呢?
In the 1880s Buffalo Bill started producing a theatrical spectacle called the Wild West show. It was wildly popular and one of the most famous acts in his show included a performer known as Annie Oakley. Her real name was Phoebe Anne Oakley Moses, but she was known as "Little Sure Shot" because she had such great aim. At 30 paces Annie Oakley could fire a gun and hit the edge of a playing card or the end of a cigarette held in the lips of her husband, Frank Butler. What other kinds of acts do you think were in the Wild West show?