1844年時,蘿絲嫁給一位名為約翰塔布曼 (John
Tubman) 的自由黑人,並將姓氏改為塔布曼。她也將自己的名字改成她媽媽的名字:海麗特。1849年時,擔心自己及農場內的其他奴隸將被賣掉,塔布曼決定要逃跑。她的丈夫拒絕跟她一起離開,所以她跟她的兩個兄弟出發並以天空中的北極星為指標,一起奔向自由的北方。旅途中,她的兄弟開始害怕並決定返回,但她仍繼續前行並抵達了費城。她在費城找到了一份家庭傭人的工作並將所賺的錢積存起來,準備回去幫助其他人逃跑。
In 1844, Ross married a free black named John Tubman and took his last name. She also changed her first name, taking her mother's name, Harriet. In 1849, worried that she and the other slaves on the plantation were going to be sold, Tubman decided to run away. Her husband refused to go with her, so she set out with her two brothers, and followed the North Star in the sky to guide her north to freedom. Her brothers became frightened and turned back, but she continued on and reached Philadelphia. There she found work as a household servant and saved her money so she could return to help others escape.