1820年,馬里蘭州的多爾切斯特郡 (Dorchester
1913年3月10日,紐約的奧本 (Auburn)
海麗特塔布曼 (Harriet
Tubman) 是一個來自於馬里蘭州的逃跑奴隸,後來被譽為「奴隸的摩西」。冒著極大的風險,在短短10年內,幫助數以百計的奴隸透過「地下鐵路」計畫奔向自由。所謂的地下鐵道是由那些散佈各處的安全居所所建構而成的秘密網狀系統,逃亡的奴隸可在前往北方的旅程中,在這些居所內暫作停留。稍後,她更成為廢奴運動的領導人並於內戰時,身任南卡羅來納州內聯邦軍隊的間諜及護士。
Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave from Maryland who became known as the "Moses of her people." Over the course of 10 years, and at great personal risk, she led hundreds of slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad, a secret network of safe houses where runaway slaves could stay on their journey north to freedom. She later became a leader in the abolitionist movement, and during the Civil War she was a spy for the federal forces in South Carolina as well as a nurse.