
(The Woman's Bible)

前奴隸及廢奴運動領袖道格拉斯 (Frederick
Douglass) 在塞尼加秋季大會上為斯坦頓站台並主張婦女應擁有投票權。一百人簽署了權利宣言及感想。這個宣言不只是關於婦女投票權,在這份宣言裡及她的一生,斯坦頓主張婦女有權接受高等教育、從事特定專業工作、擁有財產所有權及獲請離婚。在她的著作「女性聖經」中 (The
Woman's Bible) ,她批評在舊約中女性的待遇。現在,住在這個國家內的女人,幾乎享有跟男人一模一樣的機會;或者,她們有嗎?
Frederick Douglass, a former slave and abolitionist leader, stood with Elizabeth Cady Stanton at the Seneca Falls Convention and argued for women's right to vote. One hundred people signed the "Declaration of Rights and Sentiments." The Declaration wasn't just about women getting the right to vote. In it and throughout her life, Stanton argued for women's rights to higher education, to professional life, to the ownership of property, and to obtain a divorce. She wrote The Woman's Bible in which she criticized the treatment of women in the Old Testament. Nowadays women in this country have almost all the same opportunities as men, or do they?
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