
of Rights and Sentiments)

1840年,伊麗莎白凱迪斯坦頓與一位直言不諱的貴格會信徒 (Quaker) 及廢奴主義者(反對奴隸制度的人)路克瑞莎馬特 (Lucretia
Mott) 及其他的婦女代表一起出席倫敦的「世界反奴隸大會」 (World
Antislavery Convention) 。她相信法律之前男女不平等的情況需要進行改革。斯坦頓起草了一份「權利宣言及感想」 (Declaration
of Rights and Sentiments) ,這份宣言是以獨立宣言當做範本。在這件文件內,她表示婦女在道德、經濟及政治方面應受到平等對待。1848年時,她將這份文件呈交給紐約的塞尼加秋季大會 (Seneca
Falls Convention) 。您認為誰會幫助斯坦頓並支持婦女爭取平等權?
In 1840, Elizabeth Cady Stanton attended the World Antislavery Convention in London with Lucretia Mott, an outspoken Quaker abolitionist (someone who opposed slavery), and some other women representatives. She believed that the laws that treated women differently than men needed to be reformed. Stanton drafted a "Declaration of Rights and Sentiments," which she modeled after the Declaration of Independence. In the document, she called for moral, economic, and political equality for women. In 1848, she presented the document at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York. Whom do you think stood by Stanton and supported women in their fight for equality?
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