
(Anna Howard Shaw),1920年

另一位主張婦女有權選舉的安霍華蕭 (Anna
Howard Shaw) 在「先鋒的故事」 (The
Story of a Pioneer) 內寫了一篇文章,用以敘述斯坦頓及安東尼兩人之間的關係:「她 (安東尼小姐) 常常形容斯坦頓太太是新協會的腦袋,而她自己只是聽命辦事的手腳而已。但事實上,這兩個女人的組合真是再契合也不過了,斯坦頓太太是文字大師,善於將安東尼看到或感覺到但無法表達出來的事物,以文字或語言完美的呈現在眾人的面前。」這聽起來真是一個極佳的合夥關係,您不認為嗎?
Anna Howard Shaw, another suffragist, wrote a description of the relationship between Stanton and Anthony in The Story of a Pioneer: "She [Miss Anthony] often said that Mrs. Stanton was the brains of the new association, while she herself was merely its hands and feet; but in truth the two women worked marvelously together, for Mrs. Stanton was a master of words and could write and speak to perfection of the things Susan B. Anthony saw and felt but could not herself express." This sounds like a good partnership, don't you think?
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