1882年11月,哈里奧特斯坦頓嫁給了一位名為威廉亨利布拉奇 (William
H. Blatch) 的英國商人,他們住在英國達20年之久。當他們於1902年回到美國後,她加入了「婦女貿易工會聯盟」 (Women's
Trade Union League) 及全國婦女選舉權協會,並於1907年成立了「婦女自助平等聯盟」 (Equality
League of Self-Supporting Women) ;在這張相片內,站在華爾街中央、正在向週遭群眾發表演說的女士即為哈里奧特布拉奇,演說內容為婦女也應擁有跟男人一樣的權利;1917年時,她終於完成她媽媽畢生想要達到的目標:投下了她的第一票。
In November 1882, Harriot Stanton married an English businessman by the name of William H. Blatch. They lived in England for 20 years. When they returned to the U.S. in 1902, she became involved in the Women's Trade Union League and the National American Woman Suffrage Association. And in 1907, she founded the Equality League of Self-Supporting Women. In this photo, you can see Harriot Blatch in the middle of Wall Street, speaking to the crowds about giving women the same rights as men. In 1917, she was able to vote--something her mother fought for her entire life.
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