伊麗莎白凱迪與廢奴主義者亨利布魯斯特斯坦頓 (Henry
Brewster Stanton) 結婚並生下了七個小孩。在她的有生之年,斯坦頓親眼看到她的女兒哈里奧特 (生於1856年) 做到了她做不到的事:上大學唸書。哈里奧特於1878年,自瓦瑟學院 (Vassar
College) 畢業,她幫助她媽媽及安東尼完成了他們的「婦女投票權史」 (History
of Woman Suffrage) 。哈里奧特斯坦頓為促進女權運動還做了那些事呢?
Elizabeth Cady was married to Henry Brewster Stanton, an activist in the anti-slavery cause, and they had seven children. Within her lifetime, Elizabeth Cady Stanton saw her daughter Harriot, born in 1856, do what she could not--attend college. Harriot graduated from Vassar College in 1878. She helped her mother and Susan B. Anthony complete their History of Woman Suffrage. How else did Harriot Stanton promote the woman's rights movement?
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