

道格拉斯徵募他的兒子查理斯及路易斯加入著名的麻州第54軍團;這個軍隊是由自願入軍的黑人所組成並於1863年7月,在南卡羅來納州的福特華格納 (Fort
Wagner) 打了一場艱苦的戰役。照片中的人為道格拉斯的三兒子查理斯;當查理斯身在軍中時,他寫了一封信給他的父親,信中提到他聽到了「所有的有色人種都湧入費城,而您及其他人都盡其所能的幫助他們」。
Douglass recruited his sons, Charles and Lewis, who both joined the famous 54th Massachusetts Regiment. This army unit was made up of black volunteers who fought a bitter battle at Fort Wagner, South Carolina, in July 1863. Here you see a photo of Charles, Douglass's third youngest son, who wrote to his father while he was in the army. In one letter Charles said he heard that "the colored people were rushing into Philadelphia and that yourself and . . . others were doing all you could for them[.]"
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