弗雷德裏克道格拉斯以能言善道及深知激勵群眾之道而有名。但他並不是從一開始就能夠在聽眾前侃侃而談的;1841年時,第一次是在詹姆士牧師 (Rev.
Thomas James) 教堂講述他的奴隸經歷。演講剛開始時,道格拉斯非常的緊張且靦腆,但一段時間後,他對他自己及他的演講技巧越來越有自信。自那次經驗後,他就常在不同的場合發表反奴隸演講。
道格拉斯與其他的廢奴主義者一起為他們的理想努力,這些人分別為腓力普斯 (Wendell
Phillips) 、葛瑞森 (William
Lloyd Garrison) 及樂芙喬依 (Owen
Lovejoy) ;他也贊成、講述婦女權並與史代頓 (Elizabeth
Cady Stanton) 、莫特 (Lucretia
Mott) 、楚斯 (Sojourner
Truth) 、安東尼 (Susan
B. Anthony) 及其他許許多多的人一起並肩工作。
Frederick Douglass is known for his ability to speak and inspire a crowd, but he wasn't always confident talking in front of an audience. His very first public speech was in 1841 at the church of the Rev. Thomas James, who asked Douglass to speak about his experiences as a slave. At first, Douglass was nervous and shy, but as he went on, he became more sure of himself and his speaking skills. After that experience, he went in front of crowds on numerous occasions to speak out against slavery.
Douglass kept company with other abolitionists, including Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, and Owen Lovejoy. He also spoke in favor of women's rights and worked alongside Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, and many others.
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