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Meet Amazing Americans 社會運動家與改革家 道格拉斯 (Frederick Douglass)
Cover of 'The Fugitive's Song.'
「逃亡者之歌」(The Fugitive's Song) 的封面,可看到編造的脫逃

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If the conductor had looked closely, he would have noticed that Douglass did not match the description of the person on the form and he would have been required to send him back to slavery in Baltimore. Not only would this have been terrible for Douglass but also the friend, from whom he borrowed the Seaman's Certificate, would have been in serious trouble. Later, when Douglass wrote his first autobiography in 1845, he didn't include the way in which he escaped because some of the people who had helped him could have gotten into trouble. This song cover shows a made-up description of the way Douglass escaped. By the time Douglass wrote his revised autobiography in 1881, he included the real description of his daring escape.
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