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Meet Amazing Americans 社會運動家與改革家 珍亞當斯 (Jane Addams)
Hull House WPA Poster

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當所利的父母在赫爾大廈的語言課堂內學說英語時,所利就在另一間教室內上鋼琴課。在一個赫爾大廈集會上,所利及他的家人遇見了珍亞當斯。所利的父親告訴珍,他從未聽過他的兒子彈鋼琴。「這真是太糟糕了」亞當斯回道:「我一定要讓您趕快聽到他的琴聲」。一星期後,所利帶回家的卡片上寫道,所利將在赫爾大廈音樂學校 (Hull House Music School) 舉行他的鋼琴獨奏會。在演奏會上,當所利的父親聽到兒子彈奏的樂曲時,眼淚不停的滑下他的臉頰。所利的老師讚道:「我想所利將會是位傑出的音樂家」。


Solly took piano lessons at Hull House, while his parents learned to speak English in the language class. During a Hull House party, Solly and his family met Jane Addams. Solly's father told Jane that he had never heard his son play the piano. "Well, that is too bad," Addams said. "I must see that you hear him soon." A week later, Solly brought home a card announcing his piano recital at the Hull House Music School. At the concert, tears rolled down Solly's father's face as he heard his son play. The teacher proclaimed, "I think Solly will be a great musician."

Stories like this one were the reason that Jane Addams founded Hull House in the first place. She wanted to create a place where people who didn't have much money were able to have access to programs and learning that they would otherwise never be able to afford. So kids like Solly were able to learn to play the piano and make his father proud. What things have you learned or done that made your parents proud?

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