

珍亞當斯的赫爾大廈提供許多課程 (甚至包括音樂課程) 讓芝加哥社區內的民眾使用。住在赫爾大廈附近的所羅門薩諾夫 (Solomon
Saranoff) 是俄國移民的兒子,他的爸爸在一間碎布店工作,週薪$8。所利 (Solly:所羅門的暱稱) 想要學鋼琴,但他的家庭買不起鋼琴,更付不出鋼琴課的學費。有一天,所利的朋友及他的姐姐蘿絲 (Rosie) 把他帶到赫爾大廈,您知道嗎?那兒有架鋼琴呢!
Jane Addams's Hull House offered many programs to the Chicago community, even music lessons. Solomon Saranoff lived near Hull House. He was the son of Russian immigrants. His father worked for a rag shop for $8 a week. "Solly," as he was called, wanted to learn to play the piano, but his family had no extra money to buy one, much less pay for lessons. One day, friends of Solly and his sister, Rosie, took them to Hull House, where, guess what? There was a piano.
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