Me State),因為它的居民素有眼見為憑的名聲。而它的名字則源自一個阿爾崗京族印地安字彙,意為「巨舟之河」(river
of the big canoes)。於1821年加入聯邦的密蘇里,原為許多印地安部落的故鄉。密蘇里境內的現有居民中,有一半以上都定居在堪薩斯城及聖路易斯兩大城市。它的州樹是花開水木,州鳥是藍知更鳥,而首府是傑佛遜城(Jefferson
Missouri is called the "Show Me State," because its people have a reputation for believing only what they see. Its name is an Algonquin Indian term meaning "river of the big canoes." Originally home to a number of Indian tribes, the state entered the Union in 1821. Today, more than half the population lives in Missouri's two major cities--Kansas City and St. Louis. The dogwood is the state tree, the bluebird is the state bird and the capital is Jefferson City. |