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Photo of Patee House hotel

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18604月,位於聖約瑟夫派蒂屋(Patee House)旅館內的快馬郵遞總部,僱用了75位年青人,購買了100匹馬,以便將郵件送至加州。一封經由快馬郵遞遞送的信件,需要10天的時間才能由密蘇里州送達加州,而每封信的索價為$5。就現在的幣值來看,當時的$5約等於現在的美金90元!您能想像自己花90元美金在一封信的郵費上嗎?


Nowadays, it takes only a few days for a letter to travel from coast to coast, and you can send an e-mail in seconds. But in the mid-19th century, it took six months for a letter to travel from Washington, D.C., to California!

As the United States expanded to the West Coast, communication became very important to the success of the nation and its Western pioneers. The country needed a speedy way to send messages. As a result, the Pony Express was born.

In April 1860, 75 young men were hired and 100 horses were purchased to carry mail on horseback from Pony Express headquarters in the Patee House hotel, in St. Joseph, Missouri, to California. The cost to have the Pony Express carry one letter, which took 10 days, from Missouri to California was $5. Today, that $5 is worth about $90! Can you imagine spending $90 to send a letter?

By October 1861, however, the Pony Express was extinct. The telegraph could send messages much cheaper and faster, and, by 1869, railroads stretched from coast to coast. Today, you can visit the Patee House, which is now a museum dedicated to the history of the Pony Express. The building is a National Historic Landmark.

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