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See, Hear and Sing 童歌  
Children playing a singing game, West Virginia, 1941.
家園學校(Homestead School)內,正在進行歌唱遊戲的孩童

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John McCready 表演 「威廉國王是詹姆士國王的兒子」 ,8/2/1939

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戀歌 (Sweetheart Song)

其他像「威廉國王是詹姆士國王的兒子」 (King William Was King James' Son) 這類的歌曲,則提供愛情及婚姻建議給孩子們;這是首1930代加州第二次淘金熱 (Gold Rush) 時期,源自於北加州的歌謠。



Other songs offered advice to children on love and marriage, such as "King William Was King James' Son." This is a folk song from Northern California during the time of California's second Gold Rush in the 1930s.

and now you're married you must be good
hire a man to chop your wood
hire another to carry it in
and now you may kiss your true love again

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出處: Rothstein, Arthur, photographer. "Children Playing a Singing Game during Afternoon Play Period at Homestead School. West Virginia." December 1941. America from the Great Depression to World War II: Photographs from the FSA and OWI, ca. 1935-1945, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: McCready, John, performer. "King William was King James' Son." August 2, 1939. California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties. Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell, Library of Congress.