綜藝歌舞秀劇團的滑稽表演也很受歡迎。海報中的搭擋:哈特 (Joseph
Hart) 及迪瑪 (Carrie
DeMar) 就是個受歡迎的節目,而史丹佛勒 (Sally
Stembler) 及密克 (Edward
Meeker) 則是另一組演出搭擋。
您曾經有笑到停不下來的經驗嗎?在這段錄音中,飾演莉娜的史丹佛勒正在彈奏鋼琴並極力控制她的笑聲,而在此同時,亨利 (Henry) 正和一位老師(由密克飾演)在上音樂課。史丹佛勒又名「笑聲女孩」 (laughing
girl) ,而且這一個喜劇性短劇相當的受歡迎,幾乎早期的每一家錄音公司都曾賣出過一卷。
Vaudeville teams doing comic routines were also popular. Joseph Hart and Carrie DeMar, the team you see in this poster, were one popular act, and Sally Stembler and Edward Meeker were another.
Have you ever laughed so hard you just couldn't stop? In this recording, Sally Stembler, as Lena, plays the piano and has a hard time controlling her laughter while Henry has a music lesson with the professor (played by Edward Meeker). Stembler was known as the "laughing girl," and this comic sketch was so popular that nearly every early record company sold a recording of it.
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