快樂胡立根 (Happy
有時,受歡迎的喜劇連環漫畫也能改編成喜劇短劇,搬上綜藝歌舞秀的舞台及拍成電影。首見於1900年,奧波 (Frederick
Burr Opper) 的喜劇連環漫畫「快樂胡立根」即是其中一部。調皮的快樂胡立根因為頭上戴了一頂小小的錫罐帽,因而在人群中很容易引人注目。您能想到其他改編成電視節目、電影或書本的喜劇連環漫畫主角嗎?
Sometimes popular comic strips inspired vaudeville-type sketches on stage and in film. Such was the case with "Happy Hooligan," Frederick Burr Opper's comic strip, which first appeared in 1900. Happy Hooligan was a mischievous character who was easy to spot because of his tiny tin-can hat. Can you think of any other comic strip characters that have inspired TV shows, movies or books?
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