舊金山大地震的震央位於聖安地列斯斷層邊 (San
Andreas Fault) ,影響範圍廣大;從庫斯彎 (Coos
Bay) 、奧勒崗州、洛杉磯、加州一直遠達內華達州中部,都能感受到這個地震的威力。
舊金山的大火延燒了四天,幾乎摧毀了近四分之一的城市,包括整個商業區在內。當位於市場街以南 (South
of Market) 的房屋倒塌時,數以百計的人受困、喪生。在這部影片中,可以看到大批因地震及火災而流離失所的難民們,暫時落居於奧克蘭並每天往返於兩地之間。
The San Francisco earthquake was centered along the San Andreas Fault and affected a huge area. It was felt all the way from Coos Bay, Oregon, to Los Angeles, California, and as far east as central Nevada.
In San Francisco, fires raged for four days across nearly a quarter of the city, including the entire downtown area. Hundreds of people were trapped and killed when tenement houses in the South of Market area collapsed. In this film, you see the refugees, people who lost their homes in the earthquake and fire, commuting across the bay between San Francisco and Oakland, where they found temporary lodging.
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