內華達州96牧場的牧場主人史都華 (Leslie
Stewart) 表示,「判斷力」是牛仔的必備技巧;良好的判斷力有助於發展另一項重要能力,也就是在騎馬及工作時,能夠在對的時間出現在對的地方。一個好牧童或好牛仔需要時時保持警覺,因為將牛群帶回牧場是一項困難的任務。
Buckaroos have to pay attention to a lot of things as they round up the cattle. They have to keep the cows moving along without injury and reunite calves with their mothers when they get separated.
A rancher by the name of Leslie Stewart, from the 96 Ranch in Nevada, says that the essential skill needed by a buckaroo is "judgment." Good judgment leads to another important trait, the ability to be at "the right place at the right time" when riding and working. A good cowhand or buckaroo needs to be alert at all times, as the task of leading a herd back to the ranch can be a tricky one.
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