歐布萊恩 (Willis
H. O'Brien) 在成為影片製作人前,也是一位漫畫家。他利用一種叫做「印度橡膠」 (india
rubber) 的彈性橡膠創造了他的木偶影片,這些影片是「黏土動畫」 (claymation:使用黏土製成的玩偶來當做劇中角色的動畫類型)
的早期型式。歐布萊恩創造的最著名的動畫角色之一就是「金剛」 (King
Kong) 。而影片「恐龍與失落的一環」 (The
Dinosaur and the Missing Link) 早金剛16年拍攝完成,劇中的壞人是一隻巨大的類人猿。很有意思的是,幾乎從動畫的一開始,漫畫家就對史前動物很著迷,這部影片還讓您聯想到那一部著名的卡通呀?
Willis H. O'Brien was also a cartoonist before he turned to filmmaking. He created figures from a type of flexible rubber called india rubber for his films animated with puppets. These films were an early form of "claymation" (a style of animation using clay figures). O'Brien created one of the most famous animated figures of all time--King Kong. In this film, "The Dinosaur and the Missing Link," made 16 years before "King Kong," a giant ape-like character is the villain. It's interesting to see that almost from the beginning of animation, cartoonists were intrigued by prehistoric animals. What other famous cartoon does this film remind you of?
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