最早的泳衣將大部分的身體都包裹了起來而且稱為"沐浴裝" (bathing
costumes) 。它們大多用羊毛製成,因而沾濕後重量會變重,還會令人身體發癢。較為新式的織物使得人們可以製造較輕的游泳衣。隨著時間的過去,游泳衣的布料越來越少,所包裹的身體範圍也越來越小。1946年時,專為女性設計的比基尼成為流行的趨勢。
The earliest swimsuits covered most of the body and were called "bathing costumes." They were often made of wool, which made them scratchy and very heavy when they got wet. Newer fabrics made it possible to make lighter swimsuits. Over time, swimsuits covered less and less of the body. In 1946, the bikini became popular for women.
Summer holidays don't just mean going to the water. They can also mean going for a hike, a bike ride, or a picnic. What's your favorite way to spend a summer day?
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