

利用底片記錄經驗和回憶已經成為度假的基本要素;第一個使用捲筒式底片的相機是喬治伊士曼 (George
Eastman) 的1888柯達手提式照相機;但是這個照相機對一般的美國家庭而言過於昂貴,體積也太大了,不適於隨身攜帶;所以在1900年時,柯達引入了布朗尼照相機 (Brownie) ,一個較小且易於攜帶的版本;你猜猜看它要多少錢?
Capturing experiences and moments on film has become an essential part of going on vacation. The first camera that used film in a roll was George Eastman's 1888 Kodak portable box camera. But this camera was too big and expensive for the average American family to carry around. So in 1900, Kodak introduced the Brownie camera, a smaller, more portable version. Can you guess how much it cost?
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