

美妙的華爾滋 (Waltz)
。以前,如果某人說:「我能頭頂一杯水跳舞」,您就可以知道這個人是個好舞者。在過去,有些人藉由閱讀手冊來學習如何跳舞,而其它人則向被稱為舞蹈大師 (dancing
master) 的老師求教
Today, ballroom dancing is almost considered a competitive sport; professionals perform different dances, each with strict rules. Everything from where the dancers place their hands to how they move is judged. In the glide waltz, dancers are judged by how smoothly they move. In the old days, if someone said, "I can dance with a glass of water on my head," you knew that person was a fine dancer. In the past, some people learned how to dance by reading manuals, while others studied with a teacher called the "dancing master." How do people learn to dance today?
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