早期的霹靂舞 (Break
現今我們在MTV上看見的舞蹈多為嘻哈舞曲、靈魂樂及funk;您也許以為這些超酷的嘻哈舞曲動作是嶄新的發明,但您相信其中的一些動作自1800年代後期就出現了嗎?許多舞蹈動作都是借自體操動作;在這部電影中,一個來自Cheriff巡迴表演團、名叫卻裡夫 (Hadji
Cheriff) 的表演者正在表演體操的例行動作,其加上了一系列的單臂側轉;您能想像他在練習這些動作時是搭配何種類型的音樂嗎?
These days the dancing we see on MTV is usually hip-hop, soul, and funk. You may think that those oh-so-cool hip-hop moves are brand new, but can you believe that some of them have been around since the late 1800s? A lot of dancing borrows many moves from gymnastics. In this film, a performer called Hadji Cheriff, of the Cheriff troupe of Arabs, performs a gymnastic routine with a series of one-armed cartwheels. Can you imagine what kind of music he used for this routine?
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