for the U S A)的唱片封套,
Doodle Dandy」("我是Yankee
Doodle Dandy…生於7月4日…」),大至電影,如獨立紀念日「Independence
Day」。美國的獨立是我們國家的一個重要事件,而且我們將努力保護它,使其免受任何人 (或任何事) 的危害。
More than 200 years have passed since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and our independence from Britain is sometimes taken for granted.
Today, the Fourth of July holiday is still known for celebrations with family and friends. The holiday's importance has inspired the creation of everything from the lyrics to "Yankee Doodle Dandy" ("I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy ...born on the Fourth of July...") to movies like "Independence Day." America's independence has always been an important aspect of our country, and we will protect it from anyone (or anything) who tries to challenge it.
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