
第一夫人蘿拉布希 (Laura
Bush) 為學校兒童朗讀書籍

美國總統喬治‧布希 (George
W. Bush) 的太太蘿拉‧布希與國會圖書館長詹姆士‧畢靈頓連袂主持國家圖書節。布希夫人是每年舉辦一次的德州圖書節 (Texas
Book Festival) 的創辦人。
Laura Bush, the wife of President George W. Bush, hosts the National Book Festival with the Librarian of Congress, James H. Billington. Mrs. Bush was the founder of the successful Texas Book Festival, which is held every year.
If you don't live in the Washington, D.C., area and are unable to attend the Book Festival in person, why not visit your local library and read a book?
You can also learn much more about what you have read, seen, and heard on this Web site by visiting a library.
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