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打棒球 !
Addie Joss, Pitcher, Cleveland Naps, American League, 1911.
艾迪裘斯(人弓)(Addie Joss "the Human Hairpin")的棒球卡,

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裘斯 (Adrian "Addie" Joss) 因為其投球方式 (誇張的輪轉動作) ,故又被稱為人弓 (the Human Hairpin) ;裘斯來自克裡夫蘭城,而且總是身為克裡夫蘭隊的隊員;這兒有一張他的棒球卡片,自1911年起發行;在卡片背面有一行字:「他表現最好的一年是1908年,出賽35場,嬴了24場,讓克裡夫蘭隊(又稱Naps)得到全美第二名」;同年的102日,與芝加哥隊對賽時,白襪隊 (White Sox) 無人上壘。

那場完美賽事是裘斯短暫球涯中的高峰;他死於髓膜炎,享年31歲;1978年時,裘斯入選名人堂;為了裘斯,退伍軍人委員會 (Veterans Committee) 決定改變它的10年規定,即入選名人堂的球員,其大聯盟生涯一定要達10個球季;因為裘斯死前只出賽了九個球季。

Adrian "Addie" Joss was known as "the Human Hairpin" because of the way he pitched--with an exaggerated pinwheel motion. Joss was from Cleveland and he always played with the Cleveland team. Here you can see his baseball card from 1911. On the back it says, "His best year was 1908, when he won 24 games out of 35, and put the Naps within half a point of the pennant. On October 2 of that year he pitched a game against Chicago, when no player of the White Sox reached first."

That perfect game was the highlight of a tragically short career. Joss died of tubercular meningitis when he was just 31 years old. In 1978, Joss was elected to the Hall of Fame, after the Veterans Committee decided to bend its 10-year rule, which states that to be eligible, a player must have played for 10 seasons in the major leagues. Joss had barely played nine seasons before he died.

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