
賽揚 (Cy
Young) 的棒球卡,

來看看一些有名的棒球投手;眾所皆知,最厲害的投手之一是取勝場次記錄遠遠超前其他投手的賽揚 (Denton
True "Cy" Young) ,他在大聯盟比賽中獲有511場勝利;Cy (Cyclone,颶風的縮寫) 的稱號來自於一場預前賽,當時他的投球粉碎了圍牆邊的柵欄;1904年5月5日,與波士頓紅襪隊 (Boston
Red Sox) 對賽時,他投了三局無安打記錄並寫下了一場完美比賽 (沒人到達第一壘) ;1937年時,楊格即入選名人堂。
There's no such thing as a great baseball team without great pitchers. Fifty-eight pitchers have been elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame, compared to 21 right-fielders, 19 shortstops, and 18 left-fielders. Virtually all of these players have been pictured on baseball cards at sometime during their career. Baseball cards featuring famous players date back to 1887, when they were distributed in cigarette packs.
Meet some of baseball's most famous pitchers. Arguably the greatest one of all was Denton True "Cy" Young, who won 511 major league games, more than any other pitcher. Cy, which was short for Cyclone, got his nickname after a pre-game pitch that smashed a fence into splinters. He pitched three no-hitters and had a perfect game (no one got to first base) on May 5, 1904, for the Boston Red Sox. Young was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1937.
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