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Jump Back in Time 經濟大蕭條與第二次世界大戰  (1929-1945)
Marlene Dietrich, Bob Hope, and Bette Davis, 1943.
貝蒂‧戴維斯、瑪琳‧黛德麗,以及鮑柏‧霍普在好萊塢餐廳參觀 (攝於1943年) Bette Davis pointing out pictures of movie servicemen to Marlene Dietrich and Bob Hope in the Hollywood Canteen, 1943

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美國聯合服務組織 (United Service OrganizationsUSO) 成立



Comedian Bob Hope is famous for taking his USO shows on the road and performing at bases and hospitals, wherever U.S. servicemen were stationed in World War II and beyond. Disbanded in 1948, the USO reorganized during the Korean War, expanded considerably during the Vietnam War, and is still in existence today.

Bob Hope traveled to the troops in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Persian Gulf War. His "cowardly wise-guy humor" has brought laughter to millions of GIs. If you know anyone in the armed forces, ask if they have ever experienced a USO-sponsored club or event. Maybe they even saw Bob Hope live.

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