當法蘭克林‧羅斯福於1932年年底獲選為美國總統,他承諾美國人要提出拯救經濟的「新政」 (New
Deal) 。政府後來設立了許多機構來刺激工業與農業的復甦,並且創造許多就業機會,幫助美國人重新站起來。此外,政府也對銀行與投資工業進行許多重大的改革。後來,政府還設立了聯邦儲蓄保險公司 (Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation,FDIC) ,以提供銀行存款保險。此外,政府又設立了美國證券交易委員會 (Securities
and Exchange Commission,SEC) 來查緝股票市場的不法行為。美國經濟花了相當長時間才從經濟大蕭條的陰影中走出來。經濟大蕭條一直持續了10年之久,直到1940年代因為美國介入第二次世界大戰需要建構軍備所需,美國經濟才受到刺激而成長。
Tarpley, the bank manager, was forced to sell his belongings and leave his hometown to look for work, but he was fortunate, as the Great Crash was only a minor setback for him. "Of course I felt like I was ruined at the time," he told an interviewer in 1940, "but if the crash had not come, I might have still been down in that little South Georgia town working for a small salary."
When Franklin Roosevelt was elected president at the end of 1932, he promised Americans a New Deal to bring economic relief. The government created many agencies to revive industry and agriculture and create jobs to help Americans get back on their feet. Important reforms to the banking and investment industry were made. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was established to insure bank deposits, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was formed to protect against stock market fraud. It took a long time though for the American economy to emerge from the Great Depression. The depression continued for 10 more years and didn't end until the military buildup of the early 1940s, as the United States geared up to enter World War ll.
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