是一首關於螞蟻與橡膠樹的歌曲,這是法蘭克‧辛納區所寫的許多首歌其中之一。兒童們在學校裡都唱過這首歌,而辛納區的這張唱片也得到1959年的「奧斯卡金像獎」。辛納區也是一個天才演員。他還因為參與亂世忠魂 (From
Here to Eternity) 這部電影的演出,而得到另一座「奧斯卡金像獎」。如果你喜歡看老電影,你應該已經看過辛納區在超過30部電影中的表演,包括紅男綠女 (Guys
and Dolls) 、上流社會 (High
Society) ,以及酒綠燈紅 (Pal
Joey) 等作品。
"High Hopes," the song about the ant and the rubber tree plant, was one of many songs written for Frank Sinatra. Children sing it in school, but Sinatra's recording of it won an Academy Award in 1959. Sinatra was also a talented actor. He won an Academy Award for his performance in "From Here to Eternity." If you like to watch old movies, you've probably already seen Sinatra in at least one of the more than 30 other films he made, including "Guys and Dolls," "High Society" and "Pal Joey."
Sinatra continued to perform until February 1995. On May 14, 1998, the man the world knew as "Old Blue Eyes" died, but through his recordings and movies, he gains new fans everyday. Are you one of them?
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