

第一批囚犯抵達惡魔島聯邦監獄 (Alcatraz
Federal Penitentiary)
惡魔島在成為監獄之前,是一個沒有人居住的海鳥天堂,後來被探險家黃恩‧馬奴爾‧阿雅拉 (Juan
Manuel de Ayala) 所發現,也將這裡命名為「消失的惡魔島」。美國在1854年取得這個島嶼。曾經有36個囚犯試圖逃離惡魔島,其中有3名囚犯在1962年順利逃出,而且沒有被找到。不過,到現在也沒有人知道這三名囚犯是不是順利到達美國本土,或者已經死在冰冷的舊金山灣裡。
Before it was a prison, Alcatraz was an uninhabited seabird haven founded by explorer Juan Manuel de Ayala who named it Isla de los Alcatraces (Isle of the Pelicans). The United States acquired it in 1854. Only 36 convicts ever attempted to escape from Alcatraz, but in 1962 three inmates did escape the island and were never found. To this day no one knows if they survived and made it to the mainland or died in the icy cold water of the bay.
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