第一批囚犯抵達惡魔島聯邦監獄 (Alcatraz
Federal Penitentiary)
你會把一群公認為最危險的囚犯關在哪裡呢?在1934年時,這些人會被送到稱為「惡魔島」 (The
Rock) 的地方。這個地方的正式名稱應該是「惡魔島聯邦監獄」,在1934年8月11日正式開始啟用,第一批囚犯也在那一天到達。這座監獄一共囚禁了高度危險的囚犯達29年之久。之所以被稱為惡魔島,是因為這是位在舊金山灣中央的一座島嶼。不過,現在你可以搭著渡船到島上參觀,看看那些囚犯居住的地方。
Where do you put a group of prisoners considered "most dangerous?" In 1934, they went to a place called "The Rock." Officially called Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, "The Rock" opened for business on August 11, 1934, when the first group of federal prisoners arrived. For 29 years the federal prison system kept high-security prisoners in lockup there. It's called "The Rock" because it's an island in the middle of the San Francisco Bay. Today you can take a ferryboat and visit the actual cells where inmates lived.
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