

美國當時已經相當程度投入戰局,但是還是想維持自己中立的立場,於是只承諾以貸款方式運送戰爭補給品給同盟國的軍隊,主要是英國、法國,與蘇俄。不過就在幾天內,日本的盟國,包括德國與義大利 (這些國家被和稱為軸心國,Axis
Powers) 就對美國宣戰。12月7日,也就是「永遠不名譽的日子」,把美國帶進第二次世界大戰的戰場。你認識任何參加第二次世界大戰的人嗎?
The U.S. was already close to joining the war, but in an attempt to preserve its stance of isolation and neutrality, it had only committed to sending war supplies on loan to the Allied forces, mainly Great Britain, France, and Russia. Within days, Japan's allies, Germany and Italy (known collectively as the Axis powers), declared war on the United States. December 7, the "date which will live in infamy," brought us into World War II. Do you know anyone who fought in the war?
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