戰爭資訊局 (The
Office of War Information) 成立了
珍珠港的寡婦已經投入戰爭工作,以實踐個人復仇的心態。維吉尼亞‧楊太太 (圖右) 的丈夫是第二次世界大戰第一批死亡軍人的其中之一,她在軍事基地的組合與維修部門擔任主管。她的工作主要是幫那些離開美國出外工作的婦女 (例如操作電鑽的伊瑟‧曼恩) 找到方便且舒適的居住場所。
Pearl Harbor Widows have gone into war work to carry on the fight with a personal vengeance. Mrs. Virginia Young (right) whose husband was one of the first casualties of World War II, is a supervisor in the Assembly and Repairs Department of the Naval Air Base. Her job is to find convenient and comfortable living quarters for women workers from out of the state, like Ethel Mann, who operates an electric drill.
This is the original caption for this Office of War Information (OWI) photograph. Can you see how it would attract people to the war effort?
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