

公民權利領袖馬丁‧路德‧金恩二世 (Martin
Luther King Jr.) 出生
西元1955年,一些公民權利積極份子要求在阿拉巴馬州蒙哥馬利市的教堂服務的年輕剛結婚的牧師金恩領導大家展開公車抵制行動,目的在於結束蒙哥瑪利市所規定在交通工具上的種族隔離政策。這場抵制是因為一名叫做羅莎‧帕克斯 (Rosa
Parks) 的婦女拒絕讓位給一個白人乘客而遭到逮捕的事件所引起的。一年多之後,該城市最多的公車人口,也就是非裔美人,為了抗議帕克斯遭到逮捕,決定拒絕搭乘公車。最後,金恩博士與其他人所提出之廢除種族隔離政策的要求得到支持,抵制發揮了效果。西元1956年12月,最高法院宣佈公共交通工具上的種族隔離政策必須立即終止,而抵制行動也隨之結束。
During that same year, 1955, civil rights activists asked King, the young, newly married pastor of a Montgomery, Alabama, church, to lead a bus boycott aimed at ending segregation (a separation of facilities by race) on public transportation in Montgomery. The boycott was initiated by the refusal of a woman named Rosa Parks to give up her bus seat to a white passenger; she was arrested. For more than a year, African Americans, a majority of the bus riders in the city, stayed off the bus in protest of Parks's arrest. Finally the boycott brought about the desegregation King and the protesters sought when, in December 1956, the Supreme Court banned segregation on public transportation, and the boycott ended.
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