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Jump Back in Time 經濟大蕭條與第二次世界大戰  (1929-1945) 
'Hurly-Burly Extravaganza and Refined Vaudeville' poster from 1899

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傑利‧羅‧摩頓 (Jelly Roll Morton) 去世


摩頓本名叫做斐迪南‧約瑟夫‧拉曼斯 (Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe) ,他於1890年出生在路易西安那州的紐奧良。他在輕歌劇表演時,自己取名為傑利‧羅。西元1917年,他搬到加州,並且在夜總會裡表演。 傑利‧羅‧摩頓最為人稱道的作品很多,例如 「Black Bottom Stomp」 「Show Shiner』s Drag」,以及 「Dead Man Blues」等等。也許你認識的人當中有人很熟悉1920年代的爵士音樂。你可以跟他們借來聽聽看,跟著旋律起舞。

Jazz wouldn't be jazz without musicians creating variations of the music along the way. What Jelly Roll Morton added to those free-flowing improvisations were careful rehearsal and arrangement.

Born Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe, in 1890 in New Orleans, Louisiana, he billed himself as "Jelly Roll" Morton when he played in vaudeville (variety) shows. In 1917, he moved to California and played in nightclubs.

Jelly Roll Morton is best remembered for such pieces as "Black Bottom Stomp," "Shoe Shiner's Drag," and "Dead Man Blues." Maybe someone you know has some jazz recordings from the 1920s. If so, you can turn the music on and get up and dance.

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