

為了要對抗危險的工作環境,橋樑設計師約瑟夫‧史特勞斯 (Joseph
Strauss) 引進了安全帽,並且在橋樑下方兩端綁上一個安全網,因而拯救了19位墜落的工人。這些工人稱自己為「離地獄只有一半路程俱樂部」成員。
西元1987年5月,為了慶祝這座橋樑建造完成50週年,大約有30萬人設定了一個稱為「1987年橋樑行走日」 (Bridgewalk
』87) 的慶祝活動,以呼應1937年的「1937年行人日」 (Pedestrian
'37) 。兩年之後,這座幽雅的吊橋抵擋了一場規模7.1級的地震,沒有任何損傷。金門是每一個人都應該親自看看的地方。你有沒有在橋上行走過呢?問問你的親戚和朋友,看他們有沒有這種經驗。
To combat the dangerous working conditions, bridge designer Joseph Strauss introduced the hard hat and a safety net that stretched end to end under the bridge. Nineteen workers fell. Saved by that net, they called themselves the Half-Way-to-Hell Club.
In May 1987, to celebrate the bridge's 50th anniversary, some 300,000 people reenacted "Pedestrian Day '37" with an event dubbed "Bridgewalk '87." Two years later, the gracefully suspended bridge withstood a 7.1 magnitude earthquake without incident. The Golden Gate is a wonder to see in person. Have you ever walked the bridge? Ask relatives and friends if they have.
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