當你想到舊金山時,你的腦海中會浮現什麼?是不是被稱做金門大橋的這座壯大又美麗,長達4200英尺的橘色鋼鐵吊橋?這座有名的橋樑在1937年5月27日完工且正式對行人開放?隔天,法蘭克林‧羅斯福在白宮按下啟動鈕,金門大橋正式開放讓汽車通行。金門大橋之所以特別,其實有幾個原因。在1964年之前,金門大橋都還是全世界最長的吊橋。 (現在世界最長的吊橋是橫跨本州與四國之間的明石海峽橋,最寬之處約有6500英尺。) 你知道這座橋樑為什麼取名為金門大橋嗎?
What sights do you think of when you picture the city of San Francisco? How about the massive and lovely 4,200-foot orange-painted steel suspension bridge known as the Golden Gate Bridge? The famous bridge was completed and opened to pedestrian traffic on May 27, 1937. The next day, with a push of a telegraph button in the White House, President Franklin Roosevelt opened the bridge to cars, too. The Golden Gate is special for a number of reasons. Until 1964, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world. (Today, the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge in Japan boasts the longest span at over 6,500 feet.) Do you know how it got its name?
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