藉由這種信號傳遞,以及口語式的傳播方式 (當時還沒有發明電話) ,英軍抵達的消息很快就可以被散播出去。在萊欣頓革林等地,英軍遭遇到77位美國義勇兵的抵抗 (minuteman,之所以如此稱呼,是因為這些民兵能夠在短時間內立即應戰) ;英軍在康柯市則因為美軍強大的火力,而被迫退回至波士頓。這也正是是美國獨立革命的開端。
By using a system of signals and word-of-mouth communication (the telephone hadn't been invented yet), news that the British had arrived spread quickly. At Lexington Green, the British were met by 77 American minutemen (named "minutemen" because they could be ready for battle in a minute), and, at Concord, the British were forced to march back to Boston with the Americans firing on them all the way. This was the beginning of the American Revolution.
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