

對喬治‧華盛頓來說,在他對同僚道別的這一天,是一個非常情緒起伏非常大的日子。三個月之前,也就是1783年的9月3日,英國才簽訂了巴黎條約 (Treaty
of Paris) ,正式承認美國獨立。身為軍隊的總司令,華盛頓看到他的軍隊歷經無數次的戰役,看到自己的朋友和同伴死去,以及歷經數月的飢餓與寒冷天氣。當英國軍艦在12月4日離開紐約港之後,華盛頓準備回到位於安那坡裡斯 (Annapolis) 的馬里蘭州市政廳,那也是大陸會議召開的地方。
It was an emotional day for George Washington, when he said a final farewell to his officers. Three months earlier, on September 3, 1783, the British had recognized American independence with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. As commander in chief of the army, Washington had seen his troops through countless battles, the deaths of friends and comrades, and months of near starvation and freezing weather. After the British ships left New York Harbor on December 4, Washington set out for the Maryland State House in Annapolis, where the Continental Congress was meeting.
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